Thursday, January 9, 2014

Tom Hiddleston

I know Tom Hiddleston only from Thor, Thor: The Dark World and War Horse.  I know him mostly as Loki who is.......just.......AMAZING!!!!!!!  He's a british actor born on February 9, 1981 in Westminster, London, England.  Full name: Thomas William Hiddleston, say it with a british accent it sounds funny, it sure made me laugh!  And he's freaking 6'2, and I'm just a little shrimp who's 5'1, but he's not the tallest person I've ever seen, I've seen someone who's maybe 6'10 or somewhere around that height.
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Whenever I write these blogs I always like to figure out there biography of how they ended up here and how it all started sort of deal.  His parents divorced when he was 13, he has two sisters Sarah (older) and Emma (younger).  Huh that's funny he's a middle child, just like me from my dad's side.  I have an older half-sister and younger brother.  We can sort of relate, well besides the acting and all that jazz!
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When I saw this movie with one of my awesome friends a couple of weeks ago, I swear we're both going crazy because it was thrilling, it was amazing, it was dramatic, and it was depressing at one point, but I knew that he didn't...uhhh...nevermind, I don't want to give away any spoilers.  But overall the movie was just incredible.  I've never seen the first Thor, but I hope it's as good as the second one!!!  Well, usually most first-time movies are fantastic, but anyways lets continue with Tom Hiddleston shall we.

I heard from some of my friends that he's coming for The Sundance Film Festival up at Sundance!!!!! I've never been to one, but I really want to go to this, and sadly, I don't think I'll be able to because of school and other stuff, oh well, I'll try to find other famous people their next time, that's if I want to go next time.

He has a lot of quotes, or just simple sentences that turn out to be a funny quote or whatever, but I just adore them.  One of his quotes that I extremely love is this one, "I get asked to play a lot of complex people, which is great because I think that people are complex, much more so than any of us are really willing to let on.  There is an enormous pressure to conform to what's conventional now, and I think people are quite afraid of individuality, actually".  I love this quote because people are complex in a way, and he fits that quality perfectly.  He's basically saying that everybody does fell pressure at some point in their lives, but hopefully we'll be able to manage that sort of thing.  I just hope that when he makes his next film, he'll be as great as he usually is in all his other movies!

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