Thursday, March 20, 2014

David Tennant

David Tennant was born David John McDonald in West Lothian, Scotland, to a father who was a Presbyterian minister.  When he was about 3 or 4 years old, he decided to become an actor, inspired by his love of the BBC show Doctor Who!  Very good age to start off with the inspiring Doctor Who, the old series, but of course he played the Doctor in Doctor Who, which I'm sooo happy about because he's another one of my favorite scottish actors...which is funny because he has a british accent in Doctor Who...who would've ever guessed!

Image Credit: bbcamerica
So yeah, as I said before, he's one of my favorite actors who played the Doctor in Doctor Who!  And his childhood wish came true in 2005, and it was BRILLIANT!  And when I saw the season finale of season 4, I sort of died inside and when Matt Smith became the next Doctor, I like him really I do, but not as much as David here, and I'm sort of having trouble just pushing myself through the first three episodes.  And I just finished the second one, and I thought it was a good episode...but I still prefer David Tennant, he was actually in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...he played the fake Mad-Eye Moody professor guy, but his actual name was Bartermius 'Barty' Crouch Junior, and I thought he did a fantastic job in that film, but we didn't know he was the fake Mad-Eye Moody because he drank the polyjuice potion, yada, yada, yada...if you've seen the film you'll get it.

Image Credit: tvequals
Anyways, that's all I have to talk about this other lovely scottish actor!  If you have question, stuff I forgot to mention, or ANY information regarding him, please, please, please leave a comment saying so.  And here's a list of ever single doctor from the first doctor (William Hartnell, top left corner), to the twelfth doctor (Peter Capadli, bottom right corner, order goes from top left corner to the right and so on...I'm pretty sure you can figure it out.  Well now I have to travel back to space in the TARDIS, so Allons-y everybody!!!

Image Credit: wikipedia

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